"But Who are You?"
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One thing I have come to know about people of color is that we are always looking for a hook up. We loved to get hooked up. I did my research and found that the online Urban Dictionary defined a hook up as a received a good or service as a favor. Come on, don’t leave me out here by myself you know you appreciate a hook up. If you were to go shopping and somebody you know is behind the register you hope that they will hook you up and give you a discount. Every time you have been blessed by someone who gave you a hand and helped you out most if not all of the time did the hook up come from someone you knew, and if you didn’t know them at the time you sure did just make a friend. So then, the hook up is always based on the relationship. When I was working in the airline industry everybody and they mama wanted a buddy pass or free tickets. But, it was only to those people who I knew would I give them out to. God is the same way. God has invited us to live with Him forever but the only way you can get hooked up and have access into the kingdom is through a relationship with his Son Jesus the Christ.
1. Knowing Jesus avails you to the Extraordinary
1. Knowing Jesus avails you to the Extraordinary
Straight out the gate we see that God is doing extraordinary miracles by Paul’s hand. Paul is trusted enough by God, and Paul has been faithful enough to God that he is able to do things that are not common. But, notice the relationship. Its God working through Paul. Paul is not just doing this on his own, he has no power in and of himself the power comes from God, and is accessed through being in relationship to Him. I know that somebody can testify that ever since Jesus came into my life I have experience the extraordinary. You’ve experienced answered prayer. You’ve experienced life transformation. You’ve experienced doors being opened that would have never been open. You’ve experienced family members coming to Jesus. You’ve experienced God fighting your battles at work with those crazy people. You’ve experienced God making a way out of no way. You’ve experienced God providing for you when you had more bills than money. You know that it was only because you know Jesus. “If it had not been for the Lord who was on our side” Isn’t it good to know him for yourself?
Now the miracles that Paul was a part of were unique for that time. The Bible says that handkerchiefs that touched Paul’s skin were able to heal people. Some people have taken this scripture out of context and used it to make a profit by selling this same type of stuff on TV. It may even be your favorite televangelist but these things were happening as a way to solidify Paul’s message and his apostleship. It was God’s way of accommodating the people’s cultural ideas of miracles to showcase His power through Paul to validate the preached word of God unto salvation. So, because Paul was in Christ , God was with Paul. And if you do not believe me that knowing Jesus avails you to the extraordinary, I have a few witnesses.
· Joseph
· Moses
· David
· Jonah
· Elijah
· Daniel
· Jeremiah
· John the Baptist
· Peter
· Harriet Tuban
· Sojourner Truth
· Medlar Evers as he led Th NAACP
· Barak Obama
2. Not Knowing Jesus leaves you Exposed
2. Not Knowing Jesus leaves you Exposed
Then as it were some professional Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to take the Lord’s name in vain. They thinking that they could invoice the power of Jesus just by profession. (Talk about this practice in the ancient world)
“In the name of Jesus who Paul preaches!” You can’t get the blessings of God off of someone else’s relationship with God.
Sons of Sceva?
Jesus I know-ginosko
Paul I know- epistamai
It’s not that Paul was someone special that the Demon had to submit to, it was that He had the Sprit of God working through him. If Jesus was not with Paul, he would be like these men. The differences is not in what the say it is in who the know. When you don’t have the Sprit of God within you, that means according the Jesus’s words in Matthew 12 that there is no strong man guarding the house and you are a vacant space for demonic occupancy and oppression.
Can I give you an example from my favorite movie the Matrix? Any person who is in the Matrix (or unsaved) is potentially the enemy. The same is true in the spiritual world that if you have not be set free by Jesus and filled with his spirit you are exposed and potentially the enemy of God.
3. Know that Jesus’ name will still be Extolled
3. Know that Jesus’ name will still be Extolled
People are coming to Jesus.
· Whether by Paul’s example or the beat down the consequence is that the name of Jesus is being magnified.
· The question then is how Jesus will be magnified by you. In your relationship or in your Judgment? In your exaltation or humiliation? In your promotion or your demotion?